As mentioned previously in move 1, usually when we need to give the general picture of the related topic, we can use simple present tense or present perfect tense to indicate the current situation or the problem persisting up to the present time. Moreover, some adjectives are also necessary to indicate the importance or the necessity of conducting the proposed research. Here are some examples of expressions used in giving big pictures:

  • In the last few years there has been considerable interest in ….

  • For more than a decade analysts have been developing new ways to improve ….

  • In the literature there are several examples of new strategies to perform these tests, which all entail setting new parameters

In order to state the gaps of the research, we can use some words to express a contrasting viewpoint, a critical evaluation of gaps in the literature, or a perceived weakness in prior research. Some words are presented in Table 4.2.

When put into sentences, the examples are as shown below:

  • Although many different approaches have been proposed, to date there has not been an adequate analytical model to solve this issue.

  • Since 2012 there have been many attempts to establish an index, but until now no one has managed to solve the issue of …

  • This problem has been addressed by several authors, but so far no one has managed to find a complete solution.

Meanwhile, to state the purpose of the study, we can use some expressions such as:

  • This study investigates …. / this study examines …. / this study addresses …

  • This study will attempt to show … / this study aims to …

  • This study seeks to explain … / This study attempts to clarify … 

  • The purpose of this study is to … / This study focuses on …