Background of the study is written as the first part of the thesis where we need to establish the big picture to our study including its context, its importance, and its position within the existing research. In order to write a good Background, we need to write a clear and concise explanation, and not to drag it. Therefore, it is expected that the Background can be written in one to two pages long. Moreover, we can follow the moves as proposed by Swales and Feak (1994) and Bunton (2002) which includes: establishing a research territory, establishing a niche, and occupying the niche.

Write the Background of the Study following the structure below (1-2 pages long). You may decide to leave out some of the stages if necessary, but make sure that you fulfill the obligatory moves proposed by Swales and Feak (1994) and Bunton (2002)

Your Answer:

1. Define the topic, suggest why it is important and of interest and / or give some brief historical background. (1 short paragraph)

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2. Outline the accepted state of the art plus the problem to be resolved (i.e. the central problem or the gap). (1-2 short paragraphs)

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3. State your major objectives, i.e. how you intend to fill the gap. (1-3 sentences)

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4. Introduce the background literature that you intend to refer to in order to give the rationale behind your research. Ensure you make reference to the current insufficient of your topic and the gaps. (an appropriate number of sentences or paragraphs)

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5. Make a clear statement of how what your paper represents an advance on current knowledge, and what your objective is. (2–4 sentences)

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6. Announce / Preview the main results of your work / state the possible implication / contribution of your research. (1–4 sentences)

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7. Announce / Preview the structure of your research proposal. (1–4 sentences)

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