In writing a clear significance of the study, there are several aspects to be included. First, we need to briefly situate the proposed research in its larger context by introducing the topic which eventually leads to the problem statement. Then, we need to think about the benefits and importance of our study that align with the problem statement. It is important to outline the benefits unambiguously and to clearly define the beneficiaries (people who will benefit from our study) in hierarchical order. The order is commonly listed from the highest to the lowest rungs of the ladder (Regoniel, 2015).

Besides the practical benefits, we need to equally consider the theoretical questions answered by our study or how it improves/expands the subject area or discipline. This means, how our study will fill in the gap of knowledge that we have explained in our background.

There might be different stakeholders (groups of people or bodies) which will get the benefits from our study, such as educational institutions, policy makers, administrators, teachers, parents, students, industries, researchers, or any other stakeholders that are closely related to the subject matter.

Generally, the significance statement answers the question: How will your research advance scientific knowledge and impact society at large (as well as specific populations)? 

Depending upon the specific journal or funding agency’s requirements, your statement may be around 100 words, but in a thesis or research proposal, we are expected to outline the significance of the study in detail between 200-500 words by answering these questions:

  1. What’s the purpose of this research?

  2. What are the expected key findings?

  3. Why do they matter?

  4. What benefits would occur if the definitive answers are found?

  5. Who benefits from the research results?

  6. How will it help improve practice (contribute to theories, methodologies, or practices)?

There are mainly two styles of writing about the significance of the study. The first is in paragraph style where we outline the benefits of our study in some short paragraphs. Sometimes, we can write it in one paragraph covering all stakeholders and the benefits they can obtain. Some other times, we can also write it in some separate paragraphs which cover each stakeholder. Let’s pay attention to the following examples:

Example 1 (single paragraph)

Title: The Effects of Gamification on Learning Programming: A Comparative Study

Significance of the study:

This proposed study aims to investigate the effects of gamification on learning programming. 

Research aim

With the increasing demand for computer science professionals, programming has become a fundamental skill in the computer field. However, learning programming can be challenging, and students may struggle with motivation and engagement. 

Context of the study

Gamification has emerged as a promising approach to improve students’ engagement and motivation in learning, but its effects on programming education are not yet fully understood. 

Research gap

This study is significant because it can provide valuable insights into the potential benefits of gamification in programming education and inform the development of effective teaching strategies to enhance students’ learning outcomes and interest in programming.


Example 2 (some paragraphs - short)

Title: A Comparative Analysis of Traditional and Social Media Marketing of Small Clothing Enterprises

Significance of the study:

By comparing the two marketing strategies presented by this research, there will be an expansion on the current understanding of the firms on these marketing strategies in terms of cost, acceptability, and sustainability. 

Benefits for body of knowledge

This study presents these marketing strategies for small clothing enterprises, giving them insights into which method is more appropriate and valuable for them.

Practical benefit in general

Specifically, this research will benefit start-up clothing enterprises in deciding which marketing strategy they should employ.

Practical benefit for stakeholder 1

Long-time clothing enterprises may also consider the result of this research to review their current marketing strategy.

Practical benefit for stakeholder 2

Furthermore, a detailed presentation on the comparison of the marketing strategies involved in this research may serve as a tool for further studies to innovate the current method employed in the clothing Industry.

Practical benefit for stakeholder 3

Example 3 (some paragraphs - longer)

Title: Political education as a determinant of university students’ political participation in the Eastern Cape, South Africa (Badaru, 2019)

Significance of the study:

This study is of importance in the field of political education and participation. First of all the study provides empirical findings on the university students level of political education in teams of their political awareness, political judgement and political interest as determinants of their participating in campus and national politics. The study is an eye opener for the students to understand why they have to participate in politics within and outside the university system if they are to contribute meaningfully to the democratic development and sustainability of South African society.

Benefit to the body of knowledge (how the research fill the knowledge gap)

Similarly, the findings of this study are of great importance by providing insight into the influence of students’ political awareness, political judgement and political interest on their political participation as young adult citizens in the university system within the Eastern Cape Province in particular and in South Africa as a whole. It is hoped that university management, curriculum planners, policymakers, educators, other education stakeholders, individual citizens and the government of South Africa would find the study highly beneficial as they would become more aware of the necessity of political education and its implications in fostering active political participation and civic engagement in such a democratic society as South Africa.

Benefit for stakeholder 1

Furthermore, the study would be useful for scholars and students of the South African educational system, politics and, more importantly, political education who are interested in the study of political education/civic/citizenship education and political literacy. This is because this study has yielded comprehensive documentation regarding the implications of the findings of this study for political education, as it influences the political participation of students in the South African university system.

Benefit for stakeholder 2

Finally, the recommendations offered will be significantly useful to help improve the need to consciously teach political education as a separate course of study or module that could be taught in other courses as a desideratum for the university students’ active involvement and participation in campus and national politics. It would therefore help in solving the problem of low levels of political education and civic deficit or decline in civic participation among South African youths.

Practical benefit to the current issue

Another writing style is by combining list and paragraph. It means that we firstly make a list of possible stakeholders benefiting from our study, and we outline the benefits as well as logical explanations for each stakeholder on the list, as shown in the following example:

Example 4

Topic: Effectiveness of Meditation on Reducing the Anxiety Levels of College Students

Significance of the study:

This research will provide new perspectives in approaching anxiety issues of college students through meditation. Specifically, this research will benefit the following:

Community – this study spreads awareness on recognizing anxiety as a mental health concern and how meditation can be a valuable approach to alleviating it.

Academic Institutions and Administrators – through this research, educational institutions and administrators may promote programs and advocacies regarding meditation to help students deal with their anxiety issues.

Mental health advocates – the result of this research will provide valuable information for the advocates to further their campaign on spreading awareness on dealing with various mental health issues, including anxiety, and how to stop stigmatizing those with mental health disorders.

Parents – this research may convince parents to consider programs involving meditation that may help the students deal with their anxiety issues.

Students will benefit directly from this research as its findings may encourage them to consider meditation to lower anxiety levels.

Future researchers – this study covers information involving meditation as an approach to reducing anxiety levels. Thus, the result of this study can be used for future discussions on the capabilities of meditation in alleviating other mental health concerns.