In order to be able to write a research proposal, we need to begin reading relevant sources such as books, scientific articles, systematic reviews, and so on. It is important to get access to primary, secondary, and tertiary sources of information. Moreover, there are some ways to help us find the relevant reading sources, namely: asking the librarians, referring to bibliographic indexes, looking through online databases, following the bibliographic trail, searching online, and consulting the knowledgeable others. Then, evaluate the relevance and reliability of the sources by checking some aspects including the content, the publisher, the authors, and so on.  After finding the relevant sources, do not forget to create a list of reading and citations to ease the writing process when we quote or paraphrase from those sources.

Choose a particular topic you would like to conduct research on.

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Then, determine three relevant keywords about the topic.

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Look for relevant reading sources through online databases using the keywords you selected. Select 5 relevant scientific articles that might be used in your research and create a bibliographic index containing important information of the articles.

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