In everyday life, we are exposed to various information and sometimes it is difficult to distinguish accurate information from inaccurate information. Knowledge can come from various sources, such as cultural tradition or what is called traditional knowledge which is categorized as non-scientific knowledge; authority or knowledge that comes from authoritative sources; experiential knowledge which is obtained through experiencing things; and scientific knowledge which is based on studies conducted by researchers. From different sources of knowledge, it is safe to say that scientific knowledge is the one we can trust since it has gone through systematic research.

Research itself is an activity that leads us to finding new facts, and information, assisting us in verifying the available knowledge and in making us question things that are difficult to understand as per existing data. This makes doing research important because through research we might produce new knowledge, a different way of looking at the world, and a closer look to understand the reality. What should be remembered is that research is a process of careful investigation, systematic observation or data collection, and logical as well as critical analysis.

People who will do research may come from different fields and occupations such as doctors, linguists, teachers, researchers, and even students who want to graduate from their higher education. Commonly, before conducting the research, we will provide an outline or plan for our research in the form of a research proposal to first check whether our research will be worth conducting. In this research proposal, we need to outline some parts, such as the problem, the design, and the methods.